
Working life

It's been a long time and I would like to announce my good newz out loud!!! 1/3/2017 After 6 months probation period in Unipac, I finally become a permanent staff as a sales and marketing personnel in company. Just realize I work in Unipac for half year already.  Time flies and I am turning to 21 years old (officially) soon.  Alright guys, just briefly introduce what am I doing right now as a sales and marketing person. Unipac actually got two department which is PHIM and garage dep. I am under PHIM so I'll sell mainly on pnuematic product such as fittings/ tubing/ vacuum/ valve and etc. Besides, we have professonal hand tools/ material handlings/ Instrument and etc. It might totally diff from what I have study before. But who cares haha Because I am very desperate to start work  This job is kind of PR job. I mange to learn how to make appointment/ communication skills/ time management/ follow up. As a newbie, it is a very tough job to me...

Happy New Year 2017

时光飞逝, 2016有太多的变动不禁让我感到时间过得真是快.  丢回毕业典礼那天 22.10.2016 #Saturday 没想到这一天终于到了 刚开始sem 1的时候朝思暮想早点毕业 可是过后却越来越不舍得 刚踏入KDU的时候其实深感不安  第一, 交通对我来说非常不方便 早出晚归 跟别人挤巴士搭火车 完全是没有精神每一天but全都熬过去了 第二, 没有认识聊得来的好朋友  第三, 是发觉到自己多么渺小英文沟通多差 很自卑 Lol  第一位认识的好朋友可是说是她吧 很记得在我生病的时候 她买了犀牛水给我喝 感动屎了 明明没有很熟 哈哈  还每次说我太主动和她说话说我很恐怖 去你的 -.- 致我亲爱的roommates babi 们 终于毕业啦  谢谢你们买的气球 因为Emay一直说很贵很贵  害我不好意思去 明明大家都一起毕业 想说 跟你们一起住真的很开心很热闹 谢谢你们哟  每天晚上pou 吃BKT 给Lai Siew Wei嗅袜子 被Emay吓醒这些回忆我绝不会忘记的呀 等下 那束花是我男友送的 -.- 以上这位小姐表示她毕业的时候也希望有一束花是男朋友送的 哈哈哈 AVAILABLE NOW!!!!! 要她电话号码的人可以联系我 Secondary school gang 来自不同科系还有一个不同学院 都毕业啦 哈哈谢谢你们 明明都是大家一起毕业 搞得好像只是我毕业那样 祝你们在新的一年里 Degree要加油啦! 工作的我们也一起加油呗!  Hebe, 在Orientation时候认识的第一位亲故 当时的我们都像迷路的小羊在KDU楼梯那边看看看 adui哈哈哈哈  过后发生了一些不开心的事情 没想到最后也group在一起了 世界还真奇妙 愿你Degree一切顺利哟 真心觉得这张很好看  这些贪心的人类 硬硬要摆完整个身体才甘愿 ...

The chances and opportunity

Hello everybody~~~ Feel like express in English because I found that I am easy to write my story into English.  Ignore my English mistake Kamsahadnida So currently I am seeking for a job while waiting for my convocation (October 2016)  It's been struggle for few months becuase I coundn't get any reply from company.  Maybe I'm entry level is very hard to search for a job? Yes, I choose job as I really passionate in event field especially concert. This is the reason why I never get to start work until now. And Yes, I decided not to further study due to many reasons. I stress for few months after completed my internship. People ask why not I continue my career at your intern company. Here's the reason, because that is not what I want to do.  I am not arrogant and choosy.   Or maybe you can say me choosy. Becuase this is my future. I just want to do what I like to do. Just I want to try new things because I got a lot to learn...

The end of internship

I should release this post few months ago LOL ---  Time flies 又匆忙的结束了这三个月的实习期 4/1/2016 - 4/1/2016  我在这里真的学了不少东西 尤其是亲身体验他们的event 首先是 SCORE Cupid Run 14/2/2016 当天凌晨3点就起床了 3.30am开始去找Danqi一起拿饭盒 真是人生第一次早起驾车呀 是挺爽的说 因为驾快驾慢随便你 5点就到了Kepong Metropolitan Park 很多participants也来了 匆匆忙忙放下东西开始忙了  Thank youuuu the very first one to support me in this event Thanks Yok Qian Thanks Mei yan 很开心有他们的支持 看见朋友 工作都不会显得寂寞 感觉棒棒哒 过后到了二月的尾声 我和Dan Qi两个人之间必须选出一位去Miri做工 然后我就去了 其实也很想去 不想错过这个机会 原谅我那么乡姑 我还真是第一次认真看这机票 第一次有自己的计票 还认真读了几遍纸上的东西 ... 12/3/2016 (Saturday) 2.45am 就起床了 3.30出发到公司集合 又打破了记录更早起床了 尤其没有堵车的关系 早上4点就到了公司  两位同事都不准时 一个人进了安静的parking场 lift也没能操作真的挺害怕 随便看见楼梯就跑上去了 楼梯里面没有灯  想进去看看有没有出口但, 一关了门 就锁着了 吓死宝宝了 跑着上去还好看得到出口 心都凉了一下 -.- 等了个15分钟 driver才到 Oh well~~~    We reach KLIA 2 airport around 5am and check in 第二次到KLIA 还是觉得很大自己一定会迷路 -.-...